Neugebauer for Mayor Website
The goal of this project was to create a campaign website to inform the voters of Green on Gerard Neugbauer’s extensive political experience, goals for the city. It also served as a platform to sign up for yard signs, t-shirts, and make donations to his campaign.
Since this was Neugebauer’s second mayoral campaign, I leveraged the color scheme and branding used in the previous campaign. I structured the site around three main subject areas: Vision, Leadership, and Community. These pages inform voters about Neugebauer’s progress over the last four years as Mayor and outline plans for the next four years. I also created a timeline to clearly show his 20 years of experience in civic leadership. Finally, I created pages where voters could show their support by signing up for yard signs and t-shirts and making campaign contributions.
In November 2019, Gerard Neugebauer was re-elected to serve as the Mayor of the City of Green.